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Writer: AOBAOB

Mumbai (AsiaNews) – Centennial celebrations of the foundation of the Pauline Cooperative Association and the Friends of the Divine Master were held yesterday in Prarthanalaya (Bandra), Mumbai. The event saw ten new members inducted in the group.

“You have one master, one teacher, one father God Jesus,” said Card Oswald Gracias, archbishop of Bombay (Mumbai), to those present at the ceremony.

The lay association of the "Friends of the Divine Master" was created in 1917 on the initiative of the Blessed Giacomo Alberione. Its members support the Sisters of the Disciple of the Divine Master in the Eucharistic adoration and liturgical apostolate as outreach leaders in the parishes and during the Eucharist.

The Pauline Cooperative Association is a foundation of lay people who use social communication – libraries, magazines, libraries – to promote Jesus the Teacher as the way, truth, and life.

The ceremony marking 100 years took place in the presence of a lot of members, enlivened by singing and dancing, including a performance by the ‘Elvis Presley of Mumbai’.

"Many like the Indian tradition of sitting at the feet of the Master, kneeling in prayer and adoration of Jesus, the only Master,” the cardinal said as he noted how the Sisters spend several hours in adoration in the face of the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The prelate also quoted Pope Francis, who in the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium writes, "the joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus”.

"We must have this joy of encountering Christ, Jesus is My Master, Our Master,” he said. “The Divine Master is one who teaches, who empowers, who gives Life. Commit yourself to encountering Jesus.”

What is more, “Knowing Jesus, means, loving and following Jesus and also telling others about Jesus. The joy of our personal encounter with Jesus will overflow and influence our ability to bring Jesus to others.”

Cardinal Gracias then called on people to speak about Jesus who is the way, truth and life. “Wake up the World with the Light of the Gospel.”

“Being a Friend”, he said addressing the ten new members, “means we must deepen everyday our relationship with Jesus, talking to Him, accompanying Him.”

“Allow Jesus to live in you and you in Him, [. . .] May Jesus Our Divine Master help us become, as Pope Francis says, missionary disciples of Jesus.”

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