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Writer: AOBAOB

Prison Ministry Sunday will be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Bombay on August 13, 2017. On this Sunday, the Church once again encourages us to hear the words of Jesus, 'When I was in prison, you came to visit me' and continue the works of mercy. This year, the theme of the Prison Ministry Sunday is "Forgiveness can't undo the past, but can enlarge the future." The Church offers love and hope to our brothers and sisters who are in prison. While some are innocent, there are many who are victims of circumstances and suffer from great loneliness and helplessness. It is to such persons that Prison Ministry wants to reach out. We have zealous volunteers who keep in touch with our brothers and sisters in prisons/observation homes. We pray that God will bless their efforts.

On Prison Ministry Sunday, we request you to pray for all our brothers and sisters in prisons, for the prison officials and also volunteers for this ministry. You can consider diff erent ways in which you can off er for the various works of mercy to prisoners. For more details, you can contact the Centre for Peace Trust at the Seminary.

Oswald Cardinal Gracias Archbishop of Bombay

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