Every year, the feast of St Maxmilian Kolbe (the Patron of Prison Ministry) is celebrated as Prison Ministry Sunday. This year, Prison Ministry Sunday will be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Bombay on August 12, 2018. Jesus identifies Himself with the plight and sufferings of our brothers and sisters who are languishing in prison, as He too was an innocent prisoner. On this Sunday, the Church once again encourages us to hear the words of Jesus - 'When I was in prison, you came to visit me' and continue the works of mercy.
This year, the theme of Prison Ministry Sunday is “You are not alone.” The Church wants to emphatically state that those in prisons are not alone in their sufferings. We need them to hear loud and clear that the family of the Church is here to walk with them and support them. We have dedicated volunteers who are actively involved in Prison Ministry, and reach out to inmates in prisons observation homes in every possible way. Our volunteers too suffer from loneliness, as they struggle to cope with the various challenges they face in the ministry. We pray that God will continue to guide them and bless all their efforts.
On Prison Ministry Sunday, I request you to lift up in prayer all our brothers and sisters who are languishing in different prisons, for the prison officials and also the volunteers for this Ministry. There are different ways to get involved: a) volunteer for Prison Ministry; b) donate to the Centre for Peace Trust, c/o St Pius X College, Goregaon (E). Tel: 2927 0953/ 2927 0523.