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Writer: AOBAOB

OCTOBER LIGHT - St. Anthony's Church Vakola

October Light, a week long event from the 16th to 21st was organised by the Students Faith Academy (Sunday School), St. Anthony’s Church, Vakola for children in the age group 7 to 14 years. With the creativity and support of our dynamic director of Sunday School, the team of catechists organised the six day programme which included: Vacation Bible Joy coupled with foot tapping Dance Workshop and Creative Art & Craft workshop each day for an hour each. The children enjoyed every moment of it. The Confirmation students joined as volunteers, as part of the logistic and administration team.

In order to get the ball rolling, the Catechist and Confirmation student volunteers got together to meticulously plan the event. Each catechist received their teaching aids for the Vacation Bible Joy - handouts, activity sheets for the kids, Video clips and PPT. The focus was set on the Ten Commandments - two Commandments each day- with the aid of an innovative ready to use kit given by the Ministry of Word and Worship. The Bible truly came alive in an enriching experience for the children.

Under the vibrant leadership of our Parish Priest, Fr. Felix D’Souza, who supported us and gave us the freedom to manage this event successfully, this one of a kind Diwali celebration with rangoli and Indian attire, has given our children a memorable and enjoyable Diwali vacation.

October Light indeed brought out the inner light of the children enabling them to learn, have fun and enjoy themselves thoroughly.

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