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Writer: AOBAOB

"Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all"

We celebrate World Mission Sunday this year on October 21, 2018. In the context of the ongoing Synod of Bishops, the theme chosen by the Holy Father is, 'Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all.' The Holy Father in his message for the World Mission Day tells us that the Christian faith remains ever young when it is open to the mission that Christ entrusts to us. He encourages us to reflect on this fact: "I am a mission on this Earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world"  (Evangelii Gaudium,  #273).The Pope also reminds us not to be afraid of Christ and His Church, 'for there we find the treasure that fills life with joy.' 

The Holy Father urges both the old and the young to journey together in the transmission of the faith, which is the heart of the Church's mission. The wisdom and experience of older persons becomes a testimony and encouragement for the young. The freshness and enthusiasm of the young makes them a source of support and hope for older persons. The mission of the Church bridges the generations and blends the different stages of life. Our mission to make Christ known to the world will be possible if we open our hearts and let ourselves be infused with the love of Christ. The experience of His love will enable us to bear witness and attract others to the faith, even those who are hostile and opposed to it.

I encourage all the faithful, especially the youth in our Archdiocese, to open themselves to the love of Christ, and empowered by His love, to proclaim Him passionately. Promotion material for Mission Sunday has been sent to all the parishes. Do use the material to instill in our people, especially the youth, the desire to spread the Good News. The collection made at all Masses on the weekend of October 20-21 signifies our contribution to the Church's mission. May we respond generously to this call in solidarity with the Universal Church.

Oswald Cardinal Gracias Canonization of Blessed Paul VI & Oscar Romero Archbishop of Bombay

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