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Eucharistic Celebration for the Migrants

The Archdiocese of Bombay strives to cater spiritually and otherwise to the various migrant groups working in different parts of Mumbai. Around 3800 - mainly domestic workers as well as construction workers and garage mechanics - assembled at St. Teresa’s Church Bandra on October 6, 2019. Colourfully dressed, they made their way to the grounds of the Church, to join in the celebration of the Eucharist by Bishop Allwyn D’Silva The Eucharist celebrated in Hindi and with a splash of the “Munda dialect”, commenced with a group of dancers, accompanied by the beat of drums, who led the procession to the Altar. The joy of the community was palpable, evident from their vibrant responses and spontaneous greetings of “Jai Yesu”. A cultural program by the children of these migrants followed the Eucharistic Celebration, and the evening concluded with the Bishops listening to the migrants' stories of struggle and triumph.

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