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Marol, Marathi and Maths! Commemoration of the Birth Centenary of the late Cardinal Simon Pimenta

March 1, 2020, the birth centenary of the late Cardinal Simon Pimenta was marked by the celebration of the Eucharist, at his home Parish Church, St John the Evangelist, Marol. The Mass was celebrated by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, together with Bishops John Rodrigues and Allwyn D’Silva.

Being the first Sunday of Lent, Cardinal Gracias, invited the congregation to reflect on the significance of the liturgical season. In his homily, His Eminence dwelt on the Gospel passage from Matthew that tells of the temptation of Jesus in the desert, and the 40 days that are given to us by the Church during Lent. The Cardinal remembered Cardinal Simon Pimenta and the three important ‘M’s in his life – Marol, Marathi and Mathematics – and how this extraordinary vocation from Marol was a very special gift to the Archdiocese of Bombay.

Cardinal Gracias announced the setting up of a Pastoral Centre at Pen, Raigad, which will be named after the late Simon Cardinal Pimenta, in memory of the latter’s commendable efforts in the Raigad district.

On conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration, prayers were offered at the grave of Cardinal Simon, in the presence of his family and the parishioners, that he may continue to enjoy eternal rest and peace with the Lord.

This concluded the two-day commemorative celebration of the birth centenary of the late Simon Cardinal Pimenta, former Archbishop of Bombay, and his ministry that was ‘rooted and grounded in love’.

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