‘Ever since I have come to know of Shalom Youth Prayer Group, I have been tremendously impressed by it. I want to say how happy I am to see young people come together to pray with such intensity and fervour’ – Bp Agnelo Gracias

It is with great joy that the youth of the Church of St. Anthony’s, Malwani celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their prayer group titled ‘Shalom Youth Prayer Group’. The prayer group serves as an excellent platform for the youth to come together in fostering a relationship with themselves and God.
It all began in 2008 when a group of youth returning from a retreat were led by the Holy Spirit to form a prayer group which they named Shalom signifying Peace. They at once received the permissions from the then Parish Priest Fr. Ajit Bandekar and the passionate support of the then youth director Fr. Phillip D’Souza. Next the young adults approached Br. Savio Fernandes who has spiritually guided and nourished the youth ever since. Thus commenced a journey with no turning back!
The youth joyfully meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm at the Chapel of Infant Jesus, Kharodi in order to praise and worship the Lord as well as to intercede for others. Besides this, over the years, Shalom Youth Prayer Group has organized and conducted several initiation and growth retreats for senior school students, college youth, confirmation students, young working adults etc. It has also reached out to various parishes all across the city. Besides the retreats, the prayer group has also conducted half day recollections for parish organizations. Every session of personal and community prayer has enhanced faith and communion in Christ.
The most awaited event is undoubtedly the Pentecost Night Vigil which has been organized for the last 10 years. This year the Night Vigil was scheduled on Saturday the 19th of May at 10pm. The programme entailed a night spent in prayer and thanksgiving on the eve of the birth of the Church. Many indeed have been enriched through the uplifting Praise and Worship, the introspecting talks, the prayerful intercessions, the soul stirring Inner-healing and the Spirit-led Infilling in the presence of the most Blessed Sacrament.
Inorder to commemorate its 10th Anniversary, the prayer group organised a Thanksgiving Night Vigil, an Advent retreat (December 18th/19th, 2017) and a Lenten retreat (March 10th/11th 2018) which was enthusiastically availed of by several youth from all over the parishes of Mumbai. Their overwhelming response to God’s boundless love was indeed heartening.
In gratefulness on this happy occasion, the prayer group wishes to thank the priests, both past and present, for having courteously extended their cooperation and support. A Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on June 20th at 8pm at Infant Jesus Chapel, Kharodi. We invite one and all to come and share in the love of our Lord!