Washing of the feet, Letter M, Scales of Justice and Handshake
To Reconcile All Things in Christ
Washing of the feet: symbolizes a commitment to service; Letter M: Represents devotion to Mary; Scales of Justice: Church Law– his field of specialization; Handshake: stands for reconciliation and building bridges of communion
coat of arms
Date of Birth: 24th December 1944
Place of Birth: Mahim, Mumbai
Parents: Jervis and Aduzinda Gracias
Ordained Priest: 20th December 1970
1971 to 1976 - Chancellor and Secretary to Bishop Joseph Rodericks, SJ, of Jamshedpur
1976 to 1982 - Chancellor, Judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal, and Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of Bombay
1982 - Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Bombay
1988 - Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Bombay | President of the Canon Law Society of India
28th June 1997 - Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay and Titular Bishop of Bladia
16th September 1997 - Episcopal Consecration by Archbishop Ivan Dias, with Bishops Ferdinand Fonseca and Bosco Penha serving as co-consecrators.
7th September 2000 (to 14th October 2006) - Archbishop of Agra
14th October 2006 - Archbishop of Bombay
17th October 2007 - Elevated to the College of Cardinals
24th November 2007 – Created Cardinal-Priest of S. Paolo della Croce a "Corviale"
May 2008 - Member of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
20th February 2008 - Vice President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI)
6th July 2010 - Named Member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias was appointed Archbishop of Bombay, by Pope Benedict XVI. A former professor to the seminaries of Bombay, Poona, and Bangalore, Cardinal Oswald Gracias has a doctorate in canon law and a diploma in jurisprudence. He also served prestigious bodies like the FABC, CCBI, and CBCI in the position of Secretary General/President for various terms. Oswald Cardinal Gracias is the President of the Catholic Bishops of India (CBCI) Delhi.